North Crescent, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Leeds, North Yorkshire, LS25 6DD

01977 682434

Sherburn Hungate Primary School


At Hungate School, we recognise that learning to write is one of the most important things that your child will do at primary school. It enables them to access and evidence learning in many other areas of the curriculum. Good writing also gives your child a voice to share their ideas with the world.  The National Curriculum splits writing into two broad areas: transcription and comprehension. The technical aspects of writing - spelling, handwriting, grammar & punctuation - are covered within transcription, whilst composition is about sharing their ideas and thinking about the purpose for their writing.  Our aim is for our pupils to be able to write academically, as well as creatively. We provide opportunities for them to develop their skills of writing in a range of different genres and for different purposes.

We encourage our early writers to:

  • say out loud what they are going to write about, and then compose sentences aloud
  • put sentences together into short narratives
  • read back what they have written to peers and teachers

As their writing develops, our pupils will:

  • write for a range of purposes, including fictional stories, non-fiction texts, and poetry
  • get ready to write by writing or orally laying out a simple plan
  • make simple additions, revisions, and corrections
  • talk about similar pieces of writing, and use these to help them plan their own
  • use a rich vocabulary and a range of sentence structures
  • create settings, characters, and plots for stories
  • use simple organisational devices (for example, headings and subheadings) for non-fiction
  • proof-read for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

As our pupils progress through Key Stage 2, they will build upon their learning by continuing to write creatively & cohesively and will be guided to select the right structure and tone for any given piece. They will focus on:

  • identifying the audience and purpose of their writing
  • modifying their use of grammar and vocabulary depending on what they are writing
  • using a consistent tense
  • checking through their own and their peers’ writing and making constructive improvements