North Crescent, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Leeds, North Yorkshire, LS25 6DD

01977 682434

Sherburn Hungate Primary School

Our curriculum


At Sherburn Hungate, we work with our STARMAT academy to deliver an exciting and fully immersive curriculum for our children.  This immersive approach to a curriculum allows us to make learning real for our learners.  It takes the strands of the National Curriculum and streamlines the main aspects to allow a depth of understanding, knowledge and the necessary repetition to allow the key skills to be fully understood and applied across a range of contexts.


From September 2014, schools are required to teach a new National Curriculum. At Sherburn Hungate, staff have used the STARMAT curriculum intentions as a basis to develop and implement plans that meet the requirements of this new curriculum whilst reflecting and promoting our core values and key aims.

The school has developed a curriculum that is based on clear principles and shared values. Sherburn Hungate's Curriculum :

  • Is an inclusive journey full of challenge, inspiration, creativity and involvement.
  • Is reflective of our key aims in all that we do.
  • Enables children to develop and foster a 'Growth Mindset'.
  • Guides our pupils in their first steps to becoming well rounded and richly educated global citizens of the future.
  • Inspires pupils to become lifelong learners.
Teaching & Learning at Sherburn Hungate...

Our curriculum is organised into broadly based, child centred topics that engage interest, promote enquiry skills and knowledge while developing pupils’ abilities to become independent learners.  These are known as 'Learning Journeys'. A range of methods are used by staff to promote learning and enrichment through visits and visitors which are central to each topic. Pupils are involved in the planning of topics at the appropriate level and assessment for learning is central to the approach of staff in all classrooms as this approach fully involves pupils in each stage of the learning process.
The core subjects of English (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and Maths are taught daily and skills in each of these areas are developed in each topic through cross-curricular provision.

Support for Parents/Carers with our Curriculum

We realise that to the non-educationalist, the National Curriculum and how we approach it can be more complex than it seems.  We are always available to talk through our approaches, so please do call us on 01977 682434 or email us at if you would like further information.

Learning Journeys

Our children follow learning journeys that make sure they cover a wide and exciting curriculum which allows opportunities for them to explore learning and develop Personal Learning & Thinking Skills.

Subject Umbrellas

The teaching of the curriculum is lead by staff teams known as 'Subject Umbrellas'.  Aimed at reducing and sharing workload, teaching is carefully led by groups of professionals who facilitate related subjects.


Our subject leaders are working to be 'experts in their field' and this is part of our school improvement plan for 2021-2022. 

Create & Innovate

The subjects of Design Technology, Computing & Science make up the 'Create & Innovate' subject umbrella.

Wellbeing Warriors

The subjects of Music, PSHE, Art, PE & Health & Wellbeing make up the 'Wellbeing Warriors' subject umbrella.

What a Wonderful World

The subjects of RE, MfL, History & Geography make up the 'What a Wonderful World' subject umbrella.