North Crescent, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Leeds, North Yorkshire, LS25 6DD

01977 682434

Sherburn Hungate Primary School

Reception Starter Information

Welcome to the Sherburn Hungate Primary School Reception homepage.  Here you will find relevant information and useful links to key documents that help us to operate.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage teachers are Miss Lucy Bingham & Mrs Nicola Kelsey.

Our Welcome Information for New Starters to Reception 2024

Our EYFS Team, lead by Mrs Bobbi Walker (our Assistant Headteacher), held our usual induction & welcome evening towards the end of the Summer Term 2023-2024.  The presentation below provides most of the necessary information for starting school.

Characteristics of Effective Learning
The Early Years Statutory Framework
Super 6 Texts for EYFS Children
Reception Arrival & Departure

The school day for Reception children begins at 0845 and ends at 1505.


It's important that your child arrives promptly for the start of the school day.  This helps to set good routines right from the start.

Children should line up on the playground at 0840 where they will be met by their class teacher/adult and led into the building.  Doors then close at 0845 and your child is considered 'late' if they arrive after this time.  Those arriving late must be accompanied to the main entrance where they will be registered as 'late'.


At the end of the school day, the gates open at 1500.  Parents/Carers are welcome to make their way to the playground area, next to the nursery building and wait for their children just outside the Early Years outdoor provision gates. 

At 1505 the adult in charge of your child's class will lead them to the outdoor provision gates for hand over to the waiting parent/carer.

If a child needs to leave school during the day they must be collected from the office and signed out. If this is for a medical appointment, please let us have a copy of the letter when you receive it.

Please let us know if someone different is collecting your child.  They will not be released if you do not do so.

Parentpay - Cashless Payments

Our school is working towards becoming both cashless and paperless, so all parents are asked to only use our online method to pay for trips, uniform, snacks etc and dinner money (in KS2).

As we send most of our correspondence, such as newsletters and information for parents, through ParentPay it is important that you register. You should already have received an activation letter but please contact the office if you need any help. For more details go to


To comply with the General Data Protection Act 2018, and as part of our commitment to becoming paperless, parents/carers should complete a home/school agreement and consent form which include permissions for your child to attend local visits, publication of photographs and technology use.  Please contact the school office on to receive a link.

Outdoor Play

We will be learning outside EVERY DAY whether rain or shine, so suitable outdoor coats and shoes are necessary EVERY DAY. Please make sure children have sun hats or winter hats and gloves as appropriate.

A named school bag is important as your child will often have letters, pictures and reading books to bring home. Please purchase our Book Bags via ParentPay.




The wearing of jewellery is not allowed. Pierced stud earrings have to be covered with protective tape for all PE activities.

Playground Safety

Although our playground has some inviting apparatus for the children to play on, we would like to point out that our insurance policy states that it is for the sole use of our children during the school day. Children must not play on the apparatus before and after school as children playing on the apparatus at any other time will not be covered by our policy in case of injury or damage.


If your child does not arrive for school, it is our duty to contact you to find out where they are. We therefore ask you to inform school before 0845 if your child is going to be absent that day. You can contact school on 01977 682434 (Option 1) to report your child’s absence or email; please leave your child’s name and the details of reason for absence. If you do not contact us the absence will be marked as unauthorised and if we can't locate your child, we have a duty to report them as CME (Child Missing in Education).

For guidance if your child is ill please see the link below 

If your child becomes unwell whilst at school we will contact you on the telephone number(s) you have provided; it is really important that you keep us up to date with your contact details – much of our school to home communication is by text.

If you wish to take your child out of school for any reason, please ask for a leave of absence request form to be emailed to you. Authorisation is only given in exceptional circumstances.

For information regarding term dates please go to 

Class Dojo

We also use Class Dojo for home/school communication and it is where you will get to see what is happening in school throughout the term. You will receive a sign up code in the first week of school.  Class Dojo shouldn’t be used for information about absences, appointments, changes to who is collecting your child etc, as the teachers may not see this during the school day or if they are not in class that day.

School Uniform

One of our aims in Reception Year is to encourage the children to become as independent as possible. It would be a great help if the children could wear clothes and shoes they can manage themselves.


Our school colours are red and grey.


  • Red sweatshirt / jumper / cardigan
  • White blouse / shirt / polo shirt
  • Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers / shorts
  • Plain, flat dark shoes (not trainers)
  • Plain white / grey socks 
  • Plain white / grey / red tights
  • Red and white checked dress in summer
PE Kit

A pair of white shorts and a house colour T-shirt will be required for all PE activities. We also have matching house colour PE bags which are free of charge if you order a T-shirt and shorts from us. The PE kit should be kept in a named PE bag on your child’s peg. 

Items of uniform with the school logo are available to order from school via ParentPay but parents may purchase other uniform from a retailer of their choice. 

Please see ParentPay or our website ( for a list of uniform available to buy through school, together with prices. 

Please help us by making sure all clothing and footwear are clearly named. Labels are available from many suppliers; if you buy them from Easy2Name school receives a small amount of commission -

School Meals

From September 2014 all children in Reception, as well as Year 1 and Year 2, have been able to receive a free school meal.  

School meals are healthy, tasty, social and fun and are prepared to a very high standard on site, with a freshly prepared two course meal offered every day along with sandwiches and jacket potatoes. All food served in school will be nutritionally balanced based on the government’s nutritional guidelines to ensure that children can work better in the afternoons.

Children who have a dietary requirement may also be catered for including religious, cultural or allergy and / or intolerance diets. Please contact us if your child requires a special diet. 

Dinner menus are changed each term and your child may select the days on which they choose to have a school meal. When the dinner register is taken each morning your child will be asked  whether they are having the hot meal of the day, a jacket potato, a sandwich (ham, tuna, cheese or chicken) or a packed lunch that day. 

Bringing a Packed Lunch

Your child can bring a packed lunch, but we would encourage them to try a school meal. If your child is having a packed lunch could you please encourage them to practise opening their lunchbox and any containers or packets inside. Please do not send glass containers, fizzy pop or sweets. As we have children in school with nut allergies please do not send nut products in your child’s packed lunch. Packed lunch containers are stored on trolleys in the classrooms.

Snack Time!

We will provide a snack area for the Reception children, where they are able to have milk or orange squash and something to eat (fruit or biscuit). To help us provide a daily snack for the children we ask for voluntary contributions of approximately 50p a week which is paid termly through ParentPay.  Your contributions also help fund our baking activities and occasional treats.  (Please tell us if your child has any food allergies.)


Free milk is available for all children aged under five in school, funded by the UK government. In our school, this milk is provided by Cool Milk. We will register your child for their free school milk on your behalf by providing Cool Milk with your child’s name and date of birth. Shortly before your child turns five, you will be offered the opportunity to pay a subsidised rate for your child to continue to receive milk. You can register your child for school milk at

Please let us know if you would prefer us not to register your child for free school milk.

Fruit & Vegetables

We also take part in a Government run scheme where a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable is supplied each day. The children are given this each day and are encouraged to try the range of fruit and vegetables provided.

Helping Out in School

Parents are welcomed into school to help with a wide variety of activities. In addition, parental support is extremely valuable on educational visits from time to time. All parent helpers are required by law to be checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service. Details of how to apply for a DBS check are available from the office.