North Crescent, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Leeds, North Yorkshire, LS25 6DD

01977 682434

Sherburn Hungate Primary School


Welcome to the Sherburn Hungate Primary School Nursery homepage.  Here you will find relevant information and useful links to key documents that help us to operate.

Nursery Arrival & Departure

Our Nursery sessions begin at 0845 and end at 1145.


It’s important that your child arrives promptly for the start of each day.  This helps to set good routines right from the start.

At 0840, please escort your child to the Nursery classroom door (opposite the climbing apparatus on our playground).  A member of the Nursery team will then open the door at 0845.  We want to encourage children to be independent so please let them enter the classroom on their own.



The children will be escorted to the main pedestrian gate at 1145 by the Nursery team.  This is when we will hand them over to you.

Please let us know if someone different is collecting your child.  They will not be released if you do not do so.

At the end of the session, parents/carers are asked to wait at the pedestrian gate at the main entrance to school at 1145. Nursery staff will bring the children to the gate to meet you.

If a child needs to leave school during the session they must be collected from the office and signed out. If this is for a medical appointment, please let us have a copy of the letter when you receive it.


We will provide a snack area for the children, where they are able to have a drink and something to eat. To help us provide a daily snack for the children we ask for voluntary contributions of approximately 50p a week which is paid termly through ParentPay.  Your contributions also help fund our baking activities and occasional treats.  (Please tell us if your child has any food allergies.) 

Free School Milk - Cool Milk

Free milk is available for all children aged under five in school, funded by the UK government. In our school, this milk is provided by Cool Milk. We will register your child for their free school milk on your behalf by providing Cool Milk with your child’s name and date of birth.

School Fruit & Vegetables

We also take part in a Government run scheme where a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable is supplied each day. The children are given this each day and are encouraged to try the range of fruit and vegetables provided.

Outdoor Play

We will be learning outside every day, whether rain or shine, so suitable outdoor coats and shoes are necessary every day.


Please make sure children have sun hats or winter hats and gloves as appropriate.


Footwear must also be robust as we play on the climbing frame, bikes and the grass. If sandals are worn, they should always be worn with socks. Children will need a change of clothes in their bag in case of accidents or if they get wet. As space in the cloakroom is limited, a small pump bag is more suitable than a larger backpack.

Playground Safety

Although our playground has some inviting apparatus for the children to play on, we would like to point out that our insurance policy states that it is for the sole use of our children during the school day. Children must not play on the apparatus before or after school, as children playing on the apparatus at any other time will not be covered by our policy in case of injury or damage.


If your child does not arrive for school, it is our duty to contact you to find out where they are. We therefore ask you to inform school before 0845 if your child is going to be absent that day. You can contact school on 01977 682434 (Option 1) or email to report your child’s absence; please leave your child’s name and the details of reason for absence. If you do not contact us the absence will be marked as unauthorised. 


For guidance if your child is ill please see the link below 


If your child becomes unwell whilst at Nursery we will contact you on the telephone number you have provided; it is really important that you keep us up to date with your contact details – much of our school to home communication is by text.


If you wish to take your child out of school for any reason, please ask for a leave of absence request form to be emailed to you.

For information regarding term dates please go to 


To comply with the General Data Protection Act 2018, and as part of our commitment to becoming paperless, parents / carers should complete a home / school agreement and consent form which include permissions for your child to attend local visits, publication of photographs and technology use. This should be completed as soon as possible by going to

Helping in School

Parents are welcomed into school to help with a wide variety of activities. In addition, parental support is extremely valuable on educational visits from time to time. All parent helpers are required by law to be checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service. Please email us if you are interested in helping in school and we will let you have details of how to apply for a DBS check.


It is vital to share books with your child at home throughout their primary school years. No child is too young to start handling books. We have a lending scheme in Nursery where you are welcome to sign out any books from our class library or any of our story bags to share at home with your child.  If you are teaching your child their letters please use the sound and not the letter name.

Register Your Interest

If you would like your child to attend our Nursery setting, please complete this form:

Nursery Register of Interest Form

Nursery Information

Please ensure that you have applied for and have your 30 hours funding in place before committing to starting nursery.  This is a parental responsibility and not that of the school.

For further information, visit:

Communicating with School

We also use Class Dojo for home/school communication and it is where you will get to see what is happening in school throughout the term.  You will receive a sign up code in the first week of school. 

Class Dojo should not be used for information about absences, appointments, changes to who is collecting your child etc, as the teachers may not see this during the school day or if they are not in class that day.

Paying for School Items

Our school is working towards becoming both cashless and paperless, so all parents are asked to only use our online method to pay for trips, uniform, snacks etc. and dinner money (in KS2).

As we send most of our correspondence, such as newsletters and information for parents, through ParentPay it is important that you register using the activation details we will provide you with. Please contact the office if you need any help. For more details go to


One of our aims in Nursery is to encourage the children to become as independent as possible. It would be a great help if the children could wear clothes and shoes they can manage themselves. School uniform is optional in our Nursery but many like to wear a sweatshirt or fleece to feel part of our school.


Our school colours are red and grey.


Red sweatshirt / jumper / cardigan with logo

School fleece with logo


Items of uniform with the school logo are available to order from school via ParentPay but parents may purchase other uniform from a retailer of their choice. 


Details of uniform and prices can be found on our website ( and are also available on ParentPay.


Please help us by making sure all clothing and footwear are clearly named. Labels are available from many suppliers; if you buy them from Easy2Name school receives a small amount of commission -