North Crescent, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Leeds, North Yorkshire, LS25 6DD

01977 682434

Sherburn Hungate Primary School


History is currently planned at delivered in phases, focused on the key content and skills from the National Curriculum. A delivery map was created for KS2 last academic year and a key focus moving forward will be to ensure all National Curriculum objectives are covered on during the new two year cycle, which is being implemented from this academic year.

Next Steps

The next steps for this year will be to create a tracking document to assess pupil progress in History and to ensure all NC targets at covered on the new whole school planning document. To raise the profile of History in school either a topic based display of learning of a history themed event will be organised this academic year.

History Curriculum Subject Progression Framework
Staff & Pupil Voice

Staff voice

Phases are currently planning a new two year cycle to cover NC targets for History. KS2 staff agreed teaching History topic chronologically would make most sense.

Pupil voice

A sample of pupil work was taken from each year group last academic year to review curriculum coverage. Moving forward pupil surveys may be useful to analyse pupil engagement with the subject.

Lesson Content

Lessons focus on the key skills and knowledge needed to progress through the year groups and phases. It will be important to look at work in books this year to see if important skills are revisited throughout a pupil’s time at our school.

Subject Representation

In addition to lesson coverage history will be given focus during engaging topic launches and pupil led assemblies, in which pupils present their learning to parents.

Subject Monitoring

As well as book looks and learning walks, subject knowledge and skills development should be monitored on a termly basis.